Why Everyone Should Have an Emergency Radio at Home

emergency radio

A storm is raging outside, the power goes out, and all your electronic devices lose their connection. You’re left in the dark, quite literally, unaware of the situation unfolding outside. Sounds daunting, doesn’t it? That’s where an emergency radio comes to the rescue! In this blog post, we’ll dive into the reasons why having an […]

Small vs. Big Mylar Bags for Prepping: Finding the Perfect Fit

Mylar bags nz

In the realm of emergency preparedness, choosing the right packaging solution is crucial to ensure the longevity and quality of stored supplies. Mylar bags have emerged as a popular choice among preppers due to their exceptional protective properties. When it comes to prepping, deciding between small (1-gallon) and big (4 to 5-gallon) Mylar bags is […]

Alternative uses for Mylar Bags


Mylar bags have long been associated with food storage and preservation, thanks to their excellent barrier properties and durability. However, these versatile bags have far more potential than simply storing snacks for your next outdoor adventure or shelf stable foods. In this article, we will explore some alternative uses for Mylar bags that might surprise […]

A Prepper’s Must-Have: Why You Should Keep a Geiger Counter at Home

why you should have a geiger counter in nz

As the world becomes increasingly unpredictable, many people are turning to prepping as a means of ensuring their safety and security in times of crisis. While stockpiling food, water, and other supplies is crucial, there’s another item that should be on every prepper’s list: a Geiger counter. In this article, we’ll explore why having a […]

The Best Prepping Books in NZ: A Guide to Building Resilience and Self-Sufficiency

In today’s unpredictable world, being prepared for emergencies and embracing self-sufficiency has become increasingly important. To help you on your journey towards preparedness, we have compiled a list of the best prepping books available at Goodtohave.co.nz. These books cover a wide range of topics, from survival skills and foraging to food storage and self-sufficiency. Let’s […]

The importance of an emergency library

emergency library

In times of crisis, access to information becomes critical. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a pandemic, or a political upheaval, having a reliable source of information can mean the difference between survival and catastrophe. That’s why an emergency library is such an important resource to have on hand.   An emergency library is a collection […]

How to check if oxygen absorber are still good

Oxygen absorbers are tiny packets that are placed into Mylar bags or food storage containers, such as canning jars, to take the oxygen out in order to delay rotting and increase shelf life. They are frequently used in the food business to keep spices, dried fruits, and nuts and other products fresh. However, oxygen absorbers […]

What foods are suitable to store in Mylar Bags

Mylar bags have become a popular choice for food storage and preservation due to their ability to protect against moisture, oxygen, and other environmental factors that can lead to spoilage. If you’re wondering what types of food can be stored in Mylar bags, keep reading to find out. Dry Goods: Mylar bags are great for […]

All you need to know about handling oxygen absorbers

Oxygen absorbers contain iron powder that will drain any nearby oxygen by oxidizing (rusting). If they are put into a sealed container, they will over the course of a few days absorb any oxygen that is inside that container. Once all the iron inside them has been fully oxidized they cannot absorb any more and […]

Mylar Bag FAQ

Mylar bags nz

What are Mylar Bags? Mylar originally was a tradename for a polyester film made from stretched polyethylene terephthalate (PET). However nowadays it often is used as a synonym for any metallized plastic film. Mylar bags in a nutshell are metallized plastic bags. A thin layer of Aluminium is sandwiched between two layers of plastic and […]