What foods are suitable to store in Mylar Bags

Mylar bags have become a popular choice for food storage and preservation due to their ability to protect against moisture, oxygen, and other environmental factors that can lead to spoilage. If you’re wondering what types of food can be stored in Mylar bags, keep reading to find out.

Dry Goods:

Mylar bags are great for storing dry goods such as rice, beans, pasta, and grains. These types of foods can last for a long time when stored properly in Mylar bags. It’s important to note that you should remove as much air as possible from the bag before sealing it to prevent moisture from getting in or consider using oxygen absorber.

Dried Fruits and Vegetables:

Dried fruits and vegetables are also great candidates for Mylar bags. These types of foods can last for several years when stored properly. It’s important to store them in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture from getting in.

Spices and Herbs:

If you like to cook with spices and herbs, Mylar bags are a great way to store them. Spices and herbs can lose their flavor over time if they’re not stored properly. Mylar bags can help to preserve the freshness and flavor of your favorite spices and herbs.

Coffee and Tea:

Coffee and tea are also great candidates for Mylar bags. These types of foods can lose their flavor and freshness when exposed to air and moisture. Mylar bags can help to keep your coffee and tea fresh for a longer period. However keep in mind, that even tough the shelf live of coffee will be extended when stored in mylar bags, the oils in coffee can go rancid over time.

Freeze-Dried Foods:

If you enjoy camping or hiking, you might be familiar with freeze-dried foods. Freeze-dried foods are great for long-term storage, and Mylar bags are an excellent choice for storing them. These types of foods can last for several years when stored properly.


What foods shouldn’t be stored in Mylar Bags

  1. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Mylar bags are not ideal for storing fresh fruits and vegetables. These types of foods require ventilation and can produce ethylene gas, which can build up and cause spoilage if stored in an airtight environment like a Mylar bag. It’s best to store fresh fruits and vegetables in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator.
  2. Foods with High Oil Content: Foods with a high oil content, such as nuts and seeds, are not recommended for storage in Mylar bags. Over time, the oils in these foods can cause the Mylar bag to break down, which can lead to spoilage and degradation.
  3. Foods with Strong Odors: Foods with strong odors, such as garlic and onions, can transfer their odors to other foods when stored in a Mylar bag. This can affect the taste and quality of the other foods in the bag. It’s best to store these types of foods in a separate container.
  4. Foods with Moisture Content: Mylar bags are not suitable for storing foods with high moisture content, such as fresh meat, fish, and dairy products. These types of foods require refrigeration and cannot be stored in an airtight environment like a Mylar bag. It’s best to store these types of foods in the refrigerator or freezer.

In conclusion, Mylar bags are a great choice for storing a wide range of foods. They offer excellent protection against environmental factors that can lead to spoilage and degradation. If you’re looking for an affordable and effective way to store your food, Mylar bags are definitely worth considering.